The Cat Cafe Raises $304 For Rescue House In November
November is an interesting month for businesses in downtown San Diego. A lot of people travel for the Thanksgiving holiday so we lose a lot of local business. But, we also gain a lot of business because of people visiting San Diego from out of town.Because of the generosity of these visitors, The Cat Cafe raised $304 to help The Rescue House continue to find homes for adoptable cats.
In addition, The Cat Cafe sent two cats home in the month of November. Nellie went to a home where the two cats there also came from The Cat Cafe. And Zara took her extra toes with her to a home where she will leave paw prints all over the hearts of her adopters.
We’re glad we were able to send these two cats home and to help our partner continue to help find good homes for cats. These two adoptions took us to 263 adoptions since we opened our doors in January 2015.
As cats leave, we always bring in additional animals so that we can make sure we send as many cats home as possible. We’re glad that we were able to help out with some of the cats that came from a hoarding situation. An individual had close to 100 black cats in their home. When Department of Animal Services arrived to help, they found that many of the cats were blind due to inbreeding.

Ricochet, Nikki, and Vicki Came from a Hoarding Situation
We’ve got four of those cats, and three of them are blind. But that didn’t stop them from running around the playpen here at The Cat Cafe. These four sisters started exploring their surroundings almost immediately after being released. One of the four cats, Ricochet, sees fine. Her sisters are named Lotus, Nikki, and Vicki. These three can’t see but it doesn’t slow them down.
You’ll have a hard time telling them apart, but what you won’t miss is their fun nature. When you see these cats playing, you’d never believe that they’re blind.
Come on in to see the new arrivals and to enjoy a visit with old friends. We look forward to seeing you at The Cat Cafe soon!