The Cat Cafe Sends Ten Cats Home in June 2020
June was our first month back at The Cat Cafe after being shut down for 10 weeks due to Covid 19. We were happy to be back, and to have customers visit us once again. And we’re glad we were able to allow people to interact with the cats and get to know them like we did pre-pandemic. When we did this, we found homes for ten cats. We’re going to miss Mikey, Opal, Diamond, Ruby, Amethyst, Sweet Pea, Medusa, Dante, Mike and Jewel. But we’re glad they found a place they could call their own.
In addition, while we didn’t get as many visitors as we’re used to in June, we’re glad our visitors were generous. They contributed $242 to help The Rescue House continue its mission of finding homes for adoptable cats.
As cats go home, we bring in new ones. That’s why we want to introduce you to the latest members of the clowder at The Cat Cafe. We’ve got a couple of bonded pairs, so we’ll start with them first.
Mona and Lucy are a couple of senior cats who are 12 years old. The family that adopted them from The Rescue House split up, and neither of the parties could properly care for the cats by themselves. So they came back to The Rescue House and and then joined the clowder at The Cat Cafe.

Mona is a calico who loves to purr. She will meow at you for attention, and when you give her pets, that purr motor gets going. You’ll find her close to people she likes or sleeping in her favorite bed.

Lucy is friendly, too, but she’s a little more reserved. She’ll spend her time observing people from up high. But when someone approaches her and pets her, she’ll flop right over and ask for more attention.
Our next bonded pair of sisters are younger than Mona and Lucy. Grace and Luna are about two years old. One of the things that’s most intriguing about the pair are their eyes. And you can tell the two of them apart by a slight difference in their fur coloration.

Grace is the one who is all gray. She’s a little calmer than her sister, although she loves to chase around a wand toy.

Luna has a few splashes of brown in her fur. She’s more adventurous than her sister, and she made visitors and staff at The Cat Cafe laugh the first day she spent with us. She was giving head bonks, wrapping herself around people’s legs and still growling to tell the other cats not to mess with her.
Finally, we’ll introduce you to three black cats. Say hi to Nika, May, and Molly.

Nika was the first of the three black cats to join our clowder. She’s three years old and she’s been through a lot. Her person had to leave the house they were living in quickly. They were able to get someone to take care of Nika, but when Nika was in the home people came to move things out of it. And that meant Nika was all alone as workers took away everything she knew. She was cautious when she came to The Cat Cafe, but she’s become much more outgoing as she’s become familiar with the place.

May is only two years old, but before she made her way to The Cat Cafe, she had three litters of kittens. She’s seen a lot of people come and go, so she doesn’t get too attached to people quickly. You’ll have to approach her when she’s in a comfortable spot if you want to get to know her.

The last black cat to join the clowder at The Cat Cafe is Molly. She’s also the oldest at nine years of age. She lost her people and her home and was living in a crate when kind people told The Rescue House about her. Soon, she made her way to a foster home and then got adopted. Things didn’t work out, and Molly joined our clowder. She’s quiet but friendly and while she’s not as active as some of our younger cats, when she gets going, she can be a real goof.

The last cat in the clowder at The Cat Cafe who we’ll introduce you to is Rori. This four year old cow cat came from a bad hoarding situation where she didn’t get the care and attention she needed. That’s why she loves getting attention from people. The other thing she likes to do is play with other cats. She will sometimes chase Jacey and Leo, our two resident bengal cats, around. Rori gives even active bengals a run for their money when she’s in the mood.
We look forward to seeing you join us soon at The Cat Cafe to meet these new arrivals and to spend some time with old favorites.